August 27, 2012

what to wear

textures and prints have a tendency to be tacky. i've seen episodes of HowDoILook on the Lifestyle network where the victim has too much print or too much fur. i could not understand how stores still produce tacky clothing, and why consumers keep patronizing them, then i realized that clothes that are tacky for me, might not be tacky for others. it's always a matter of taste and style. we just have to be aware of the occasion and how people expect us to behave whenever we are faced with fashion dilemmas.

i'm not really a fan of the show How Do I Look because their approach is too personal. they have a tendency of attacking the person's taste, which is still part of their personality. they make it too dramatic. i like the show What Not To Wear on TLC because they criticize the clothes of the person. it doesn't hurt as much. they tell you how clothes affect the way you look and how it can be improved. they give you guidelines and let you think on your own. i like the show because they tell you what's wrong then teach you how it can become better.

i will never dream of becoming a style consultant. all that i'd tell them is wear whatever you want because i'd much rather be worrying about the future of the clothing industry than bother thinking about what to wear.
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