August 21, 2012

tie dye, decoupage, mosaic

jobos is what it's more popularly known. we also call it venus because that's the brand name of the dye that's very popular for making tie dye stuff. it's cheap and easy to find. it's an instant update to cotton garments. I enjoyed the workshop. I turned a normal white muslin jacket into a distressed looking jacket. the gods of the 70's will be proud of me for trying to bring the hand-me-down look back in style.

unfortunately, when I checked the safety information of sulfanilic acid (one of the components of the dye), it wasn't really meant to dye clothing. this component causes skin irritation. hopefully, the amount of substance is so small that it would not cause harmful effects.

honestly, I appreciate tie dyeing more than I did decoupage. maybe it's because all we did was paste stuff on top of the thing that we want to embellish. it's so simple that I don't feel motivated to decoupage anything. revamping has never been my thing. I'd rather make something new from scratch and create something overly minimalist than take a semi-broken thing and try to fix it by making it look different. I feel like it's putting too much time and effort into fixing something that ain't broke. I have a similar perception of mosaic but I would really want to make a mosaic out of tiles someday in our backyard. I don't see it as a skill that I could and would ever use in accessories making but I can really use it at home in the garden.

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