I'm planning on making a bag. This type of bag would be the only bag I'll ever need, most of the time. It's going to be the only bag I'll ever use, until it breaks. So it's just going to be an ordinary bag that is fully customized for me and for people who wish to have a bag that adapts to their lifestyle. I'll call the bag my polymorphic bag.
I'm not a genius, so I guess I have to understand how some bags have survived their transfiguration. Here are some convertible bags that I've seen on youtube so far.
I love the way this bag works because there is a drastic change in the capacity of the bag. The mechanism is just simple. Although the conversion takes time, it's still worth the effort. I'm fascinated by the way zippers can be polygamous. As long as they're the same size, they'd fit!
The Chouette handbag is very promising because it boasts of 19 unique designs. I like the idea but I think they're kind of exaggerating the number for the sake of marketing. I'm planning on designing for function and most of the styles demonstrated here aims to change the way the bag looks rather than create something that has a different function. But I think I will still use it as an inspiration for the mechanism of the bag that I would be designing because they are simple and I already have clips available that I could use for a prototype.
This one is a more workable design for me. It's sort of modular, and I think I can make something like this that I could adjust to my needs. I like the way the straps move around, although I don't think I'd go into introducing smaller bags that go inside a larger bag. For now I think I'd like to focus more on the larger bag design.