September 12, 2012


there have been a lot of responses to that girl who wrote about her jeepney ride, published on inquirer. The one where she realized a lot of "profound" things that, in my opinion, are too mundane for a respectable broadsheet. I actually pity her for being told about her ignorance in front of the whole nation. I also pity the people who laugh at her because they don't know that they too live a sheltered life but don't know about it. Maybe not in the same extent as that girl, but compared to the majority of the population, they don't know the extent of their ignorance.

Unlike them, I am aware that I live a sheltered life. I live a very comfortable life. I don't have a problem finding cash, and I have the freedom to do anything that I want. I am a privilaged person because when I commute, it's my choice. When I expose myself to the hardships of life, I know that I have other options. But I don't think of i am naive. I used to be, but I went out of my way to get to know the world around me. I commute, I observe, I explore, and I am not afraid to try out things.

I wish that people don't just base their knowledge on what they read or hear. I wish people would expose themselves, be vulnerable and step out of the classroom. I don't want to change the educational system, I want people to go beyond the classroom experience. I'm not talking about exposure trips or alternative class activities, because it doesn't matter how unstructured it may be, it will never be real life.
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